About Real Touch Massage

Simon Trick
BTEC - Sports Massage (Level 5)
BTEC - Holistic Massage (Level 4)
ITEC - Holistic Massage (Level 3)
Pregnancy Massage/ Abdominal and Full Body (Diploma)
Cancer Massage Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy
Fully insured
Fully qualified first aid

Simon Trick, founded Real Touch Massage in order to bring the best possible massage treatment to the people of Surrey.

After many years of interest in sport through his involvement in athletics and giving voluntary massage to family and friends, he decided to qualify in the subject.

Simon qualified with Essentials for Health, a company that taught and expected the highest standards from its students, first in Holistic Massage and then in Sports Massage, in which he learnt how to assess clients accurately, to perform many more advanced techniques of massage, physical manipulation, stretching, and homecare advice.

Later, he qualified in Pregnancy Massage with Gateway Workshops, another successful company.

However, Simon's most recent training has been on the fascia (connective tissue under the skin that covers the muscles and bones all over the body), using IASTM - Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation - which has revolutionised his treatments and improved the quality and results for his clients (please read the 'Testimonials' for more details). Further training on Mysofascial Release with Gateway, has added greater depth to this work.

"My training and experience enable me to work with all people," Simon points out, "whether or not they take part in sports. I have treated a range of injuries from a variety of sports, as well as accidents in daily life and even physical problems related to work and lifestyle.

"My clients are both able-bodied and disabled and include: tennis players, cyclists, bodybuilders, athletes, gymnasts, dancers, golfers, engineers, architects, singers, office workers, police officers, hotel managers, taxi drivers, students, reflexologists, accountants, teachers and so on.

"I tailor my treatments precisely to the needs of my clients, whose ages currently range from 12 to 85!"